Archives of #process

Keeps me busy, in progress

No painting without patterns

In nearly all my paintings or drawings there is at least one layer or part that consists of a pattern. Stripes, dots, crosses, hatchings… seems I can not paint without patterns. They don’t have to be super accurate but I love their elements to be arranged in a more or less geometrical way, with a certain distance […]
Connecting two shapes

Art and happiness are connected

For me, art and happiness are connected. They belong together since my childhood and they go hand in hand ever since. My parents are huge art fans and already at young age they made us part of their passion: we went constantly to museums, galleries and art shows and my father shared his knowledge about art and art history with […]

How to find a motive

Last week I made a little excursion into figurative painting. How come? It was a day when I didn’t know what to paint at all. How to find a motive? I went on my rowing machine and told myself: it will come. And indeed: there, right in front of me rowing, was this pile of objects my […]