Archive ofmy mind

Connecting two shapes

Art and happiness are connected

For me, art and happiness are connected. They belong together since my childhood and they go hand in hand ever since. My parents are huge art fans and already at young age they made us part of their passion: we went constantly to museums, galleries and art shows and my father shared his knowledge about art and art history with […]

Harmony is key to everything

So, what is it all about? Dutch artist Jeroen Henneman stated in an article I read yesterday that the essence of visual art is that the maker gets in harmony with his own thoughts. Is it that simple?!? Harmony is key to everything I would say but somehow I can totally relate to it: writing […]

Tell your own story

Here is what I am telling myself each day: Don’t try to make art, try to tell your own story, through your own signature. So I wait and then paint or write what comes to my mind, or out of my arm. It can be a movement, it can be words, curls, lines or letters. It’s […]